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Tuesday 4 November 2014

Product Of The Week

Hey so it's time for another product of the week.This week my product of the week is the NYC lipstick in the shade 'Purple Crush'. I love this lipstick as it has sort of a violet duo chrome to it and is perfect to create and perfect your Fall/Winter everyday look. This is also a very dark purple and compliments the Winter colours. This product also moistens and defines your lips. This product is also very cheap €4.99 and is available in Boots. This product also has a strong colour and performance compared to most lipsticks of its type . Some people may love this look as it is quite dark and some may not. Personally at the start I did not really like this lipstick as I thought the colour was a little too dark for me as I began to wear this product more and more I started to like it. I would recommend this product to anybody who is looking for a lipstick to suit Fall/Winter

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